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City Whisperer

Experience cities in their entirety

Cities consist of more than their buildings and living spaces - they are alive.

Why holistic city?

Every historical event, project or event of us humans influences the subtle body of a city

- similar to how a person is shaped by his experiences.

Therefore, this invisible being of a place needs attention and care from us humans!

This holistic view of cities gives us the chance to treat our living space with respect.

My City Whispers, together with the locals, brings the original light of a place and its function back to the forefront.

This ultimately leads to a more peaceful atmosphere, well-being and ease for everyone.

What am I doing?

Through my studies in architecture and urban planning as well as geomancy and Feng Shui training, I have extensive knowledge of design, city and country.

Paired with my empathy and media skills, it helps me to “sense” a city.

I humorously call myself the city whisperer.

I can experience and appreciate the quality of a landscape and the city within it.

This helps me understand the function and character of a city on a regional, supra-regional and international level.

I also sense circumstances that block the original light of a city and, through my work, I can provide approaches to dissolving the blockages of a place.

The essence of the city and its inhabitants thereby experience healing.

Who can apply for City Whispers?

Anfragen können mich alle, die für Stadtverwaltung, Gemeindeverwaltung und Stadtführung zuständig oder in der Städtischen Entwicklung tätig sind. Aber auch die Bewohner eine Stadt.


Vor allem bei Entscheidungen neuer Projekte, oder bei bestehenden Problemen in einer Stadt oder Gemeinde können die Informationen aus der feinstofflichen Ebene sehr hilfreich sein, um freudvollere Räume zu kreieren. 

Städtebauer, Stadtplaner und Architekten für größere oder kleinere Bauvorhaben können ebenfalls mit mir zusammen arbeiten, um einen ganzheitlicheren und harmonischeren Ablauf und Ergebnis ihrer Projekte zu erzielen.

Gerne stehe ich allen Beteiligten hierbei mit meinen Erfahrungen und Fähigkeiten zur Seite.

How does City Whispers work?

At the beginning there is always a discussion about the current situation, after which I develop a workshop proposal.

Together with the client, we define the criteria for the seminar. Depending on your wishes, the seminar can be held exclusively for the city administration, exclusively for the city residents, or openly.

This is followed by a short inspection phase of up to 3 days, during which I visit the important places accompanied by local experts and get an idea of the situation.

The workshop will be created based on this and carried out with several participants.

Joint solutions

Finally, the results of the workshop are analyzed and a final solution is proposed on the subtle and/or material level.

My approach can vary from case to case and I always approach each situation and capacity individually!

Let us create a more peaceful urban experience together.

What is the point of City Whispers?

Many sensitive and spiritual people have the need to go into nature or move to the countryside.

I know this feeling all too well.

Humanity is becoming more and more sensitive.

But the solution is not to run away from the cities. Places that we humans have chosen and created as our habitat.

What is more important is that we learn to deal with the invisible levels of cities, landscapes and the earth.

In this way we develop a valuable and conscious approach to our environment.

Cities are wonderful places of gathering, of joy and of the creation of so much good in our lives.

I am happy to give anyone interested access to this new level of cities and landscapes!

I look forward to hearing from you.

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